Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to tell the difference between Custom and Production Home Building Companies

Custom home builders:
  • Build on land you own. Some custom builders also build on land they own.
  • Build one-of-a-kind houses. A custom home is a site-specific home built from a unique set of plans for a specific client. Some custom builders may offer design/build services.
  • Build single-family homes.
  • Are generally small-volume builders (those that build 5 or fewer homes a year).
  • Tend to build UNIQUE homes.
Production home builders generally:
  • Build on land they own.
  • Tend to use stock plans, but usually offer a variety of plan choices and options.
  • Build all types of housing — single-family, condos, town houses, and rental properties.
  • Are large-volume builders (those that build more than 25 homes a year).
  • Generally build for all price points — entry level, move up, luxury, etc.



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